Lumley Infant & Nursery Site: Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JL | Tel: 0191 388 5292 | Email:
Lumley Junior Site: Cocken Lane, Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JJ | Tel: 0191 388 2310 | Email:

Lumley Primary Federation

Nursery Open Event - Thursday 20th March at 4pm



In RE pupils learn about religious and non-religious worldviews in order to discover, explore and consider different answers to  questions. They learn to interpret, analyse, evaluate and critically respond to the claims that religious and non-religious worldviews make. Pupils learn to express their insights and to agree or disagree respectfully. Teaching therefore should equip pupils with knowledge
and understanding of what is meant by the terms ‘religion’ and ‘worldview’ as well as systematic knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and non-religious worldviews.  Teaching should enable pupils to appreciate that worldviews are complex, diverse and plural and have influence on individuals, communities, societies and cultures.

Religious Education offers opportunities for personal reflection and pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as it encourages pupils to examine the significance of their learning in relation to themselves and others. It enables pupils to explore their own beliefs (whether they are religious or not), ideas, feelings, experiences and values in the light of what they learn. Religious Education encourages empathy and respect. It enables pupils to develop their own sense of identity and belonging.

In Key Stage One pupils must be taught about:

  • Christianity – introduction to beliefs and practices and their impact.
  • Buddhism – introduction to some beliefs and practices and their impact.
  • Religious Diversity – introduction to the diverse religious and non-religious landscape in the local area (including differing denominations).


Knowledge and Key Skills Progression Grid:

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION – EYFS & KS1 Knowledge and Key Skills – updated September 2022



Lumley Infant and Nursery School follow the Durham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education.  This can be accessed using the following link:

Strong links have been forged with places of worship within Great Lumley, including the Christ Church, Evangelical Church and Methodist Church.  Members of the church communities support the delivery of our curriculum through providing exciting off-site workshops, assemblies, community projects and visiting pupils in school to enhance lessons.

For more information on termly curriculum content and coverage of key skills and knowledge, please visit our class pages, where you will find termly Curriculum Information for Parents.



By the end of Key Stage One most children:

Knowledge and Understanding of Religion

  • Identify some beliefs of Christianity and Buddhism, identifying ways in which they worship and celebrate special events, identifying similar aspects e.g. stories, ways of worship
  • Retell some stories within Christianity, Buddhism and Islam.

Critical Thinking

  • Express views and give simple reasons in response to their learning about the beliefs, teachings and practises in Christianity, Buddhism and Islam. 

Personal Reflection

  • Reflect on own beliefs, values and feelings in relation to what they have learnt about Christianity, Buddhism and Islam.