Lumley Infant & Nursery Site: Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JL | Tel: 0191 388 5292 | Email:
Lumley Junior Site: Cocken Lane, Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JJ | Tel: 0191 388 2310 | Email:

Lumley Primary Federation

Nursery Open Event - Thursday 20th March at 4pm

School Dinners

Chartwells caters for our school, providing a range of hot and cold meal options every day.  If your child has food allergies, please speak to the School Office who will arrange a meeting to discuss your child’s requirements. 

Infants School Lunch 

All parents must fill in the Application for Free School Meals form so school can access further funding if your child is eligible. All children in main school will have access to free school meals, however 30-hour Nursery pupils need to pay for their lunches, which are currently £2.50 per day. 

 To enable the service to be efficiently planned, the School requires advance notice of your child’s requirements:

  •  1 week notice to start school dinners 
  • 2 weeks’ notice to stop school dinners

Juniors School Lunch

Children choose their own meals daily using a pre-order system. Meal numbers are finalised with the kitchen at 10.30am. If your child goes home sick after 10.30am the school lunch will still be charged even if not taken. 

 To enable the service to be efficiently planned, the School requires advance notice of your child’s requirements. 

  •  1 week notice to go on to dinners 
  • 2 weeks’ notice if coming off school meals 

The cost of a school lunch is £2.81 per day (£14.05 per week).  We request that payments are made in advance using our online payment system Parent Pay – click here to go to Parent Pay.

Packed Lunch 

Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch.  Our school supports the Healthy Schools Campaign and we would therefore ask that there are no sweets, chocolate bars or fizzy drinks included within the packed lunch.  Children who bring packed lunch have the option to have school dinner on ‘Fishy Friday’ if they would like to. 

NO NUTS OF ANY KIND are allowed (including Nutella and peanut butter). 

Water Bottles 

Children are encouraged to drink regularly during the school day.  Please make sure your child brings a water bottle, clearly marked with their name, to school every day. This should contain water or juice.