Lumley Infant & Nursery Site: Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JL | Tel: 0191 388 5292 | Email:
Lumley Junior Site: Cocken Lane, Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JJ | Tel: 0191 388 2310 | Email:

Lumley Primary Federation

Nursery Open Event - Thursday 20th March at 4pm

Support for Emotional & Social Development

Promoting and supporting a child’s emotional and social development is of the utmost importance to us at Lumley Primary Federation. The whole school works together to make sure that children are given the tools to develop positive self-esteem, an understanding of their emotions and healthy relationships. For those children who may have an emotional or social need, we have several systems in place so that these needs can be met effectively. The support we provide is individualised to the child in order to meet those specific needs.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education and Relationship and Health Education (RSE)

As well the daily pastoral and social support provided by teachers and staff, PSHE is taught to all children on a weekly basis. These lessons focus on promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing and resilience.

Lego® Therapy

Lego® therapy is an evidence based approach aimed at developing children’s social communication skills. It is a programme for children with Autism Spectrum Condition (ASC) and other social communication difficulties. Children work together to build Lego® models giving them the opportunity to develop social skills such as turn taking, team work, listening and collaborative problem solving. Each session, children are assigned a role and given a specific job to do. Typically, the roles are the engineer (gives the instructions), the supplier (provides the pieces) and the builder (puts the pieces together).

Connecting with Children

Connecting with Children is a local evidence based support programme to support children in a school setting. It aims to create time and space on a weekly basis for the young person to:

  • engage in creative activities that support them to recognise their thoughts, feelings and behaviour
  • learn to communicate about these in more positive ways
  • start to develop a healthier sense of who they are
  • start to engage better in school, and make the most of their opportunities
Relax Kids

Relax Kids uses research-based mindful and relaxation techniques alongside values and positive psychology (positivity, strength-building, gratitude, resilience and compassion) to help support children’s emotional health and wellbeing. The sessions can be delivered in both a whole class and small group setting.

Therapeutic Story Writing

Therapeutic Storywriting Groups use the metaphor in stories to support children whose emotional and behavioural difficulties are affecting their ability to learn. It offers children the opportunity to express themselves through their own stories and understand some of their own emotional experiences.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a talking therapy which aims to help children manage their own emotions and difficulties by helping them to adopt more positive and helpful ways of thinking and behaving (retraining your brain). It is commonly used to help children who are anxious and have low self-esteem.


Elklan is a support programme which helps staff to provide effective support to children with speech, language and communication needs by training staff to:

  • understand the difficulties some children face when speaking and listening to others
  • modify their interactions with children
  • adapt the way they speak to children so they can understand more of what is being said
  • use modelling to encourage talking
Sensory Space

In both schools, we have sensory spaces for children. The aim of the space is to create a calm and safe area for children to access with an adult when they need time to relax and regulate their emotions and reactions to external stimuli.

Buddy System and Playground Leaders

During playtimes and lunchtimes at Lumley Junior School, we have a buddy system in order to support children who may struggle during these unstructured times. Children from Year 5 and 6 volunteer to be buddies and offer support to all children who may need help developing their friendships and joining in with games and activities. Children also have the opportunity to train with the Durham and Chester le Street SSP as playground leaders. At the end of this training, leaders are able to provide opportunities for all children to take part in structured games and activities during playtime and lunchtime.