Lumley Infant & Nursery Site: Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JL | Tel: 0191 388 5292 | Email:
Lumley Junior Site: Cocken Lane, Great Lumley, County Durham DH3 4JJ | Tel: 0191 388 2310 | Email:

Lumley Primary Federation

Nursery Open Event - Thursday 20th March at 4pm



The aims of Relationships Education and Health Education (RHE) at Lumley Infant and Nursery School are to:

  • Teach children about relationships, including friendships and family
  • Ensure children know the importance of valuing and respecting difference
  • Ensure children know how to keep themselves safe, including physical and mental health
  • Teach children about their rights and responsibilities
  • Ensure all children know they are capable to achieve their goals, developing a positive mindset
  • Equip children with the knowledge of how living things grow and change
  • Teach children the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies


Core Values

The Core Values of Lumley Infant and Nursery School have been designed by pupils, parents and governors and reflect the school’s ethos ‘Fun to Teach, Fun to Learn’. The Core Values are at the heart of all we do. They are encapsulated in the word:


D: is for democracy and determination

R: is for being responsible and resilient

E: is for being enthusiastic about learning and having empathy for others

A: is for having an aspiration and a positive, caring attitude

M: is for being motivated and having good manners

S: is for being special and successful


Key Skills and Knowledge Progression Grids:



Children participate in a weekly DREAMS assembly which focuses on a core value or safety theme.  Children then complete a follow-up task in their classrooms, linked to developing age appropriate key skills and knowledge.  Picture books are used as a stimulus for many lessons, as a way to generate whole class, small group and paired discussions.